Did you know that Christmas is a triumph? Not that there isn't the stress of shopping,
gifting, cooking, eating, celebrating - all the traditions that go along with the season. It's just that I was given a fresh realization of how triumphant Christmas is, and how celebrating is actually an act of worship!
We celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas time. Sometimes, as Christians, we major on the crucifixion - yet the truth is that if Jesus hadn't been born, He could not have shed His blood on the cross for us. He CAME, God in the flesh making His home with people. The Bible says in I John 3:8 that Jesus came to "destroy the works of the devil." His birth already destroyed the devil's works. It was a triumph, a masterpiece plan by our Father to show us Himself in a way we could understand, and also to bring us into a real, living relationship with Him, as His children. I never want Christmas to become more about traditions than about Jesus. He's THE reason! Because Jesus is the focus, I think merriment, celebration, and fun ought to invade our Christmas worship.
God is revealed in Scripture as a happy God - the Bible tells us that He joys, He sings, He is happy (blessed), He celebrates, especially when another of His lost sheep is found. If our Almighty Father does these things, then I think He wants us to as well. Christmas should be full of joy, singing, merriment, victory, and celebration - and our Father rejoices with us! When we gather at church - we should be rejoicing and singing. When we gather with family and friends, every moment of happy celebration can be an offering of worship for the One who matters most. Christ's presence will pervade the sharing of presents, and His friendship is felt as we feast. Our family is His family, and every open door can be Christ's open arms.
Celebrate with me, then, this Christmas! Let's offer to our God the worship of merriment and joy. "Merry be your Christmas, happy be your home!" Our Father is eternally happy!